What is HERMES?
Let’s see how to use the HERMES platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a ToT?
A Training of Trainers (ToT) was originally planned to be a 4-day face-to-face training course. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, we decided to organize the full catalog online. The purpose will be to give the participants all the tools and knowledge they need in order to replicate the course in their own country or with any audience they want. The HERMES platform will host the material.
Can I Participate?
Yes if you are a practitioner with a professional background of minimum three years’ in prison and probation management as juvenile and adult prison guards, intelligence officers and related staff active in prison environments, probation officers, both for juveniles and adults, prison educators, judges, prosecutors, NGOs and local welfare services specialized in rehabilitation and alternative measures to prisons, prison and court experts (psychologists, criminologists, Middle-East experts, cultural mediators, etc.)
Is the ToT for You?
Yes, if you want:
- To develop an in-depth knowledge of the complexity of radical phenomena through a multi-disciplinary approach at the EU-level.
- To develop advanced and specialized competencies and abilities to identify different types of information within radical mechanisms, classify and transmit it within the procedural justice framework at MS and EU levels as part of the counter-radicalization measures.
- To develop knowledge on the new models of existing strategies applied in several EU countries in the case of radicalization, with a specific focus on the transition from prison to the external life.
What should I expect if I register?
- You will be asked to sign a consent form because we want to be transparent on how we manage your data.
- You will be given access to the HERMES platform.
- You will be able to choose only the modules that are relevant to you.
- You will find video lessons and exercises that you can do from home but not only! Live webinars will be organized with your trainers.
For how long will I have access to the training material?
For as long as the HERMES platform will be online, and we plan to extend it in the next years! The platform has been online since 2017 with constant improvements and is currently used by the number of European projects for their training activities.
What can the ToT do for you?
- You will be part of an exclusive European network of trainers.
- You will be able to organize courses in your country in the framework of the JP-COOPS project. This means that the project will cover the cost of your course!
Will you plan some additional days "in real life" for this online ToT?
Yes! We are planning some activities to allow at least a portion of our students to try the Virtual Reality section that we prepared for them. Unfortunately, we can’t be more specific than this considering that it’s impossible know when the Covid-19 emergency will end, but this option is in our plan.
Can you give us an estimate of the amount of time the course requires including webminars and working on the materials?
This really depends on the students. The material will be available online for long time and the webinars will be recorded in order for students to be able to have them available on the platform. Each module will take approximately 3 or 4 hours including the video lesson and the exercises. Each webinar will be approximately 2 hours. Students can decide how many modules to follow. Module n.3 Is restricted only to LEAs. The online solution gives to the students a lot of flexibility when it comes to time.